Interessante, faire Aussagen von Roger Cicala
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Autor:  User_00317 [ Di 16. Feb 2016, 09:11 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Interessante, faire Aussagen von Roger Cicala

Hier gibt es recht ehrliche Aussagen dazu, wie Firmen halt so funktionieren - auch in der Kameraindustrie:

Roger Cicala hat geschrieben:
FWIW - Lensrentals buys everything from retailers and I don't own LR anymore, although I do all their QA and run the repair section.

I don't name names for several reasons. First, with several companies, I do testing work and have nondisclosure agreements in place. Those are fairly specific and I could name a little more than I do, probably, but there are some other reasons:

Face is exceedingly important to executives at some companies. Naming names means they MUST deny the problem and actually may serve to make them more entrenched in the 'what we're doing now is just fine' mode of thought. In my discussions I'm generally well received when I talk about improvements that could be made. The door slams shut immediately and tightly when I talk about inadequacies that exist. It's semantics, but it is a vital difference in some cultures.

As an example, some years ago I wrote an article about a company that could not optically correct their wide angle zooms and didn't name the name. People could figure it out, but I didn't name it. The company contacted me quickly, sent engineers to my lab where they 'wanted to make sure they didn't have the kind of problems that other company must have had'. It was really productive - but the entire time we all talked about 'not having problems like that' even though we all knew it was their product I'd written about. If I had put the name on it publicly, they could never have dealt with me.

And for full disclosure, in a few cases I'm actively working with companies about QA. I don't make much money at it, but I learn a lot. It would be unprofessional of me to say I'm happy to work with you and then identify that company's weaknesses.

I know some Pentax shooters take it personally that I don't review Pentax gear (although I still shoot it myself). It's just logistics. Lensrentals only has 10-15 copies of most Pentax lenses (compared to several hundred of most Canon lenses). Since there are few copies, we don't work on them and I haven't bought Pentax mounts (each mount costs over a $1,000) for our optical testing equipment.



In Kurz: vor allem die mimosenhaften Egos des Managements wollen mit Samthandschuhen gepflegt werden. Fakten sind da nachrangig. Wie überall halt.

Autor:  dl4mw [ Di 16. Feb 2016, 10:05 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Interessante, faire Aussagen von Roger Cicala

Es ist ja eine ausgeprägte japanische Eigenart, nicht das Gesicht verlieren zu können/dürfen.

Wobei das nicht wirklich das Problem ist, sondern ehr die Vorstellung, dass man das Gesicht verliert, wenn man einen Fehler zugibt.

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